Mon 27 Jan
*** Beautiful . Young . Busty . UpScale . Blonde *** Available NOW!! - 20
(Greensboro, Greensboro , Wendover)
Quality Companionship [✔] Sweet and Sexy[✔] AppLE Ѽ BoTToM BooTy[✔] - 24
(Denver, Your Place or mine)
✘ℴ💎✘ℴ. Rεaℓ Upscαℓε ßεαuty_🎀💞___ ✘ℴ💎✘ℴ. Elegant Blonde _💖💕___ ✘ℴ💎✘ℴ TOP Reviewed!!! _💖💕___ - 21
(Denver, downtown denver)
sexy exotic kinky playful outgoing bubbly and fun 0UTCALLS 0NLY - 21
(Detroit, west bloomfield - clinton township)
❤ BLONDE BOMBSHELL YoUnG and InDePeNdEnT~ ~Incall$pecial$ ❤❤100 HH - 24
(Northern Virginia, Springfield)
TODAY ONLY B(OO)TY L♥ver's Dream 70 SpeCiAlS ♥ SWeeT SeDuCtive SenSuAL BLoNDe - 21
(North SD County, Oceanside INCALL ♥)
Have a little "Faith" this beautiful Saturday Petite 36 Full Cs Airport Location - 28
(Grand Rapids, Airport)
(City of San Diego, SDSU/ outcalls all sd)
╠╣OT ▒▒█♥ S—E— X—Y ♥█▒╠╣OT █▒ SEXY █▒ BLONDE █▒ BOMBSHELL! - 21
(Colorado Springs, N.CENTRAL springs... INCALLS only!!!)
🎀💕🎀💕 ____ ♡ EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE ♡ LATINA❌⭕ P L A Y M A T E ♡____ 🎀💕🎀💕 - 22
(Denver, N AuRoRa iNCaLLs OnLy ♥)
Voluptuous BBW Vixen Luna Syn is your new addiction. Ask about my specialty. - 31
(Colorado Springs, springs)
°•○My mission tonight ☆ Is to Tease, Appease, & Please○•° - 23
(Colorado Springs, Anywhere u want me)
Come Check Out The Hottest 100$ deals All Day With Sophia !!!! - 27
(Detroit, Farmington hills Incall Only)
°*° ((80 IN/ Sp€c!@LS)) °*° Th€ P€RF€CT Pla¥ MaT€ °*° ! (WaRm *&* £xOtiC) 100%QuALity *! - 27
(Colorado Springs, South & Central Springs (In &out;))
Predictions waterfall like conditions flooded down south mostly!! - 41
(Colorado Springs, My place only pikes peak platte)
⬛🌸🌺🌸🌺🌺▬▬ Grand Open ▬▬🌸🌺🌸🌺🌺 ⬛▬▬▬ Young Asian ▬▬▬⬛ 🌸🌺🌸🌺 (719)598-1858▬▬🌸🌺🌸🌺▬▬⬛ - 23
(3326 Austin Bluffs PKWY Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs)
EBonY Qun*UP & Ready FOR YoU too COMe PLay WiTh Me - SpEciALs!!! - 24
(Colorado Springs, Your Place or Mine)
Come Over Let's Have a Good Time - 27
(80920, Aurora, Castle Rock, Centennial, Colorado Springs, Denver, Highlands Ranch, Parker, Western Slope)
(⏠ V⏠ ) BOOBiE ______ :: E :: X :: T :: R :: A :: V :: A :: G :: A :: N :: Z :: A :: - 29
(In North CS / Out -CS, Monument, Pueblo)
💋 Thick BooTy CuTiE ... 💋 My AzZ ClaPs, WiGGleS, and JiGGleS 💋 Wanna SqueeZe💋 - 25
(Colorado Springs, downtown)
(¯`'.¸ Y.O.U.R :*Di R T Y : L.i.T.T.L.E : S.E.C.R.E.T ¸.'´¯) - 22
(Denver, Peoria I-225 In Call Specials)
!!!THE WOMAN OF YOUR DREAMS IS HERE!!! Sexy Brunette Ready To Have Fun ! $100 Special $100 - 21
(, outcalls)
Real Recent Pictures ...Special rates... Adorable Babe, College Girl, Adult Model, Actress... - 25
(North Jersey, N NJ in/out)
Real Recent Pictures ...Special rates... Adorable Babe, College Girl, Adult Model, Actress... - 24
(N NJ in/out)
©ⓤⓣⓘⓔ❤ⓟⓘⓔ ★✰1OO% яëⓐĹ °Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD° ρяєttу ƒяσm ĤĔÁĎ.✧ŤŐ:✧ŤŐĔ!!! - 22
(East Valley, OutCalls Valley wide, Phoenix)
--WARNING-- {Big BooTy CuTiE on DUTY}--- BLonDe PLayMate --- NO RuSH!! 70 sPeCiAl - 21
(City of San Diego, Clairemont incalls)
*** SEXY *** *** SEDUCTIVE *** ***SWEET *** **34DD **** LEAHA***** highly REviewed!! - 26
(Tacoma, Federal way INCALL outcall everywhere)
34DD ————— *HiGHLy ————— ☆ —————— *REcOMMEND ——————— ☆ *PLAYMATE _specials! - 26
(Tacoma, tacoma/fife/puyallup in call)
Sexy Bri 100% REAL pic real CURVES real FUN!! Treat yourself don't cheat yourself - 23
(Cleveland, shaker area)
XoX !!H0TTEST BL0NDE!! XoX⬇PERFECT 10! SEE P!cS! GORGEOUS! (100 15M ↔150hh) Til 6PM ONLY!! - 23
(Denver, Luxury Upscale DTC Condo/225+DTC BLVD)
*.♥ٱ♥.* S ♥P ♥E ♥C ♥I ♥A ♥L ☜✪☞ SUPER SEXY ☜✪☞ 80 S ♥P ♥E ♥C ♥I ♥A ♥L *.♥ - 20
(City of San Diego, Central San Diego-- LAST DAY)
S W E E T° Brunette ° ( P R I N C E S S ) ---- Visting° 100 S P E C i A L s - 20
(City of San Diego, Central San Diego-- LAST DAY)
🅰 Life-Sized FANTASY💯Specials🌹√¡ρ Tяεα†mεη†💃 by √¡ρ Pℓαγmα†ε🌹 Aℓℓ💈 Amεяίcαη ßεαu†y💯🅰vailable - 23
(Cleveland, 🔸🔹Downtown In & Out🔹)
New Blonde IN YOUR AREA!! Available for OUTCALLS ONLY!!!!! █317-370-6795 - 24
(New Orleans, OUTCALLS ONLY!!! :))
💋💎💕 💯% ReaL 💕💎Killer Curves 😘💎💋 $60 HHR SPECIAL💕 - 20
(South SD County, Chula Vista 💋Imperial Beach💋South Bay)
💋💎💕 💯% ReaL 💕💎Killer Curves 😘💎💋 $60 HH SPECIAL💕 - 20
(Chula Vista 💋Imperial Beach💋South Bay, San Diego, South SD County)
★ GORGEOUS ★—————PRETTY FACE —————PeRfEcT BodY —————★ AmAziNg PerSonAlitY ★ sPeCiALs - 20
(City of San Diego, San Diego--- Last Day Here!!)
Oil 💣 Me ⇧ up & 👐 R U B 👐 ⓜε ⇩ down 🎇 Supεr🔥42" PlayG®ound 🔫 12ohh Special💣 visiting.. - 22
(St. Louis, Downtown . In & out)
-:- Petite Smokin' Body in Sd-:- HOT Specials + Great Reviews! outcalls - 23
(Los Angeles, studio city. lax. surr. areas outcalls)
200hr Im Such a Doll ★☆★LET ME °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶°— ROCK — 🎸🎸🎸— YOUR WORLD — °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 - 21
(St. Louis, st.louis in south)
Avail NOW 💎 100% ℛεaℓ 💎 ❤Upscαℓε 💎 ßig ßooty 💎 ❤girl ρℓαγ ℳᆀ ❤️ All Day Long‼️‼ - 19
♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥NEW ♥ SLIM ♥SEXXY ♥FREAKY♥ BARBIE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ - 20
(Muncie, muncie/anderson/surrounding cities)
(¯`' * '´¯) EVERY MANS FANTASY! (¯`' * '´¯)BEAUTIFUL PLAYMATES,Hot Specials - 21
(Los Angeles, LAX Upscale Incalls)
╠╣ E♥ART ~^~RACING ~^~ ╠╣ OTTIE ~^~^* PeTiTe BlOnde FrOm (BarBados) - 19
(Los Angeles, My PlAce Or Yours....L.A.X ...All Areas)
**Real Live Ginger Bunny 4 You** 80/125/200**+xtra 4 return clients**100% me!**& Natural 38DDD'S** - 37
(Santa Cruz, Monterey private 530-514-8491 in or out)
Beautiful Italian SnowBunny ❤️😘🐇Ready to make your night one to remember 🔥😍💥 Come Play - 20
(Monterey, Seaside Incalls)